Displaying episodes 1 - 21 of 21 in total

Print That!

Engaging a team of software developers requires expertise, patience, and communication between the development team and team that owns and understands needs of the bus...

A Heavy Lift

Let’s examine two questions common to software development projects. First, Can complementary tasks create adversarial competition? Second, when to bring more programm...

The Color of Language

The inventions, designs, and concepts developed during the 1970s guide modern software development practices. They work. They are efficient. In the 21st Century, our s...


Modern software operates within the Cloud or internet. Software requires its own software infrastructure. Some code runs on the Cloud or internet servers. Some code ru...


Success in developing a software application depends entirely on the people. A client can short cut some of the risks by engaging a team that carries experience workin...

Data Tables

Software development process typically follows a series of steps that start with gathering requirements, developing a technical response, architecture, reviews, then c...

Series 2 Introduction - Electrotest

As a modern-day tool-smith, my colleagues and I build the software machines or tools of the modern economy. We developing a applications using tools from Oracle, Unit...

Echoes of a Lincoln Song

Childhood echoes in my today’s movements and actions. This lyrical piece explores the forest of my youth and the history of my long-ago home. Written about Lincoln Mas...

Chapter 12 | Its Just Work

Sometimes all of the work smarter, better tools, teamwork boils down to focusing on the job and doing it. Nike says it well: Just do it! A team-building phrase that do...

Episode 11 | PST Baby: Primary Secondary Tertiary

“What could possibly go wrong?” Around here, if there is one plan there are three plans. We’ve got to have the primary plan, then the backup plan then the other plan ...

Chapter 10 | How to Hold an Axe

Great teams, great teamwork requires planning, effort, and a handful of cute phrases. A team of software developers likely don’t need to hold an axe. “How to Hold an A...

Chapter 9 | The First Minute

Ever think about the seconds immediately after buying something online? You get an email. You may have been added to a mailing list. In the seconds buying our product,...

Chapter 8 | Okta

The sales team from IBM, DEC, Data General, and Xerox were noted for their arrogance and uniformity during the prior century. In 2019, I heard echoes of that sort of a...

Chapter 7 | Wayfair Wayside

The United States Supreme Court changed the landscape of internet commerce with a 2018 ruling called “South Dakota v Wayfair Inc”. With the stroke of five pens, busine...

Chapter 6 | Recurly

Integrating yet another vendor into our software suite permits us to replace PayPal, the effort lets us explore how to sell to a reluctant audience, how to reach custo...

Chapter 5 | PayPal

Paypay is a legacy in a market they created and now they are irrelevent... they've abandoned their own market. lesson: listen to your customers or lose 'em

Chapter 4 | Plans

The perfect plans for PodcastFlow did not survive the first months. The plans never anticipated a global shut down. And the plans failed to have the flexibility to res...

Chapter 3 | The Machine

PodcastFlow is an internet machine. PodcastFlow completes a series of tasks, has some automation, required designing and building, and it uses energy. Our machine sits...

Chapter 2 | The Cloud

The internet has a birthday (1966). Web browsers and websites do too (20 DEC 1990). The Cloud does not have a birthday. Poor cloud. Why? Because we don’t understand wh...

Chapter 1 | An Introduction

Meet the team, the project, and chuckle at the business mis-adventures here in the introduction to The Soul of an Internet Machine.


Exploring the intersection business and technology and the internet - this show is for people curious about software, entrepreneurship, invention, product development...

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