A Heavy Lift

Let’s examine two questions common to software development projects. First, Can complementary tasks create adversarial competition? Second, when to bring more programmers on to a team. The answers depend on the mission and an assessment of what causes delays. As the team narrows the focus, we “begin with the end in mind” discovering objectives of the applications.
Construction contractors and many other trades love to see scope changes and project expansion. Project expansion and scope changes increase revenue and often increase the size of a team. Sometimes the need for more done at a faster rate comes introduces risk to a project. Using modern software development techniques whereby the team work in 2-4 week sprints, we often see issues long before we must deal with them. How does one solve problems that remain at the horizon? I argue that a mature team works towards the unknown together acknowledging the squishy-bits. We should stand together, client and developer, embracing the challenges – studying them. 

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